General schedule#
Course overview#
Sun, July 7: Opening Ceremonies
8:30 am UTC
5:30 pm UTC
Week 1
Mon, July 8: Model Types
Tue, July 9: Model Fitting
Wed, July 10: Generalized Linear Models
Thu, July 11: Dimensionality Reduction
Fri, July 12: Deep Learning
Week 2
Mon, July 15: Modeling Practice & Half Project Day (Projects Proposal)
Tue, July 15: Linear Systems
Wed, July 17: Biological Neuron Models
Thu, July 18: Dynamic Networks
Fri, July 19: Project day (Abstract Writing)
Week 3
Mon, July 22: Bayesian Decisions
Tue, July 23: Hidden Dynamics
Wed, July 24: Optimal Control
Thu, July 25: Reinforcement Learning
Fri, July 26: Network Causality & Graduation
Daily coursework schedule#
These schedules refer to the coursework time.
General schedule#
All days except W2D1, W2D5, and W3D5 will follow this schedule for course time:
Time (Hour) |
Component |
-0:30-0:00* |
Intro video & text |
0:00-0:15** |
Pod discussion I |
0:15-1:45 |
Tutorials I |
1:45-2:45 |
Big break |
2:45-4:15 |
Tutorials II |
4:15-4:25 |
Pod discussion II |
4:25-4:30 |
Reflections & content checks |
* : The intro and optional outro will be watched asynchronously, which means that you can watch this lecture before and after the start of the synchronous session
** : Note that the synchronous coursework session starts at 0:00 with the first pod discussion
Project time#
In addition to course time, each day will have 3 hours of project time. Check the time slot widget to see when project time is scheduled for your slot.
Note: Slots 1, 3, and 4 will not have project time on W1D1.
Schedule of specific days#
W2D1: Modeling Practice & Half Project Day (Project Proposals)#
For more info on the components of this day, please see the daily guide for projects here
Time (Hour) |
Component |
-0:30-0:00 |
Intro video & text |
0:00-2:00 |
Tutorial |
2:00-2:15* |
Outro |
2:15-3:15 |
Big break |
3:15-4:30 |
Literature review |
* : While outros for other days are optional to watch, we ask that you watch this one.
During next available project time (which could be on the next day):
Time (Hour) |
Component |
0:00-0:45* |
Finish literature review |
0:45-3:00 |
Project proposal |
* : Note that this refers to the start of the projects time, not the coursework time like usual
W2D5: Project Day (Abstract Writing Day)#
For more info on the components of this day, please see the daily guide for projects here
Slots 1/3/4:
During project time:
Time (Hour) |
Component |
0:00-2:00* |
Abstract workshop |
2:00-2:15 |
Break |
2:15-3:00 |
Individual abstract editing |
* : Note that this refers to the start of the projects time, not the coursework time like usual
During coursework time:
Time (Hour) |
Component |
0:00-0:45 |
Individual abstract editing II |
0:45-1:30* |
Mentor meeting |
1:30-2:30 |
Big break |
2:30-3:30 |
Pod abstract swap |
3:30-4:30 |
Finalize abstract |
* : Timing of this mentor meeting may need to vary based on mentor availability
Slots 2/5:
During coursework time:
Time (Hour) |
Component |
0:00-2:00* |
Abstract workshop |
2:00-3:00 |
Big break |
3:00-4:30 |
Individual abstract editing |
During project time:
Time (Hour) |
Component |
0:00-0:45*, ** |
Project work time |
0:45-1:45 |
Pod abstract swap |
1:45-2:00 |
Break |
2:00-3:00 |
Finalize abstract |
* : Note that this refers to the start of the projects time, not the coursework time like usual
W3D5: Final Day of Course#
Slots 1/2/4/5:
Time (Hour) |
Lecture |
-2:00- -1:00* |
Project presentations (slots 1/4) |
-1:00–0:30 |
Break (slots 1/4) |
-0:30-0:00 |
Intro video & text |
0:00-0:15 |
Pod Discussion I |
0:15-1:45 |
Tutorials I |
1:45-2:45 |
Big break |
2:45-4:15 |
Tutorials II |
4:15-4:25 |
Pod Discussion II |
4:25-4:45 |
Break |
4:45-5:15** |
Course Review & Feedback |
5:15-6:15** |
Project presentations (slots 2/5) |
6:15-6:30** |
Pod farewell |
6:30-7:15** |
Closing Ceremony/Graduation |
* : This is the last hour of projects time for slots 1/4
** : Note that these events occur after the normal coursework time.
Course Review & Feedback: We will have a post course survey for both students and TAs (will share the link in discord) - please fill it out during this time! Completing the final survey is required to access your certiicate after the coures.
Pod farewell: This is just a chance for your pod to say goodbye to each other. No structure imposed or requirements here!
Closing Ceremony/Graduation: We will do this all together on Zoom.
Slot 3:
Time (Hour) |
Lecture |
-2:15- -1:15* |
Project presentations (slot 3) |
-1:15–0:30 |
Break (slots 3) |
-0:30-0:00* |
Intro video & text |
0:00-0:15 |
Pod Discussion I |
0:15-1:45 |
Tutorials I |
1:45-2:45 |
Big break |
2:45-4:15 |
Tutorials II |
4:15-4:25 |
Pod Discussion II |
4:25-4:45 |
Break |
4:45-5:15** |
Course Review & Feedback |
5:15-5:30** |
Pod farewell |
6:30-7:15** |
Closing Ceremony/Graduation |
* : This is the last hour and a quarter of projects time for slot 3
** : Note that these events occur after the normal coursework time.
Course Review & Feedback: We will have a post course survey for both students and TAs (will share the link in discord) - please fill it out during this time! Completing the final survey is required to access your certiicate after the coures.
Pod farewell: This is just a chance for your pod to say goodbye to each other. No structure imposed or requirements here!
Closing Ceremony/Graduation: We will do this all together on Zoom.
Professional Development Panels#
Note that these have been scheduled to be before or after the coursework time for each time slot. In some cases, they overlap by 15 - 30 minutes with projects time - please start on projects time late or end early in order to attend these events
Course live events: TBD — will update